Tuesday 28 June 2011

Social Class

Social classes are economic or cultural arrangements to people in society. In the UK, classes are including three levels, the upper class, the middle class and the working class or lower class. There are many things that differentiate them from each other. The upper class generally came from very high rich people. The middle class include people business peoples, or professionals. The lower class include people who work hard to survive. According to the video that has been watched in class from Channel4 (2011), they were many differences between an urban upper class girl and a northern working class girls. These differences were based on the accent, exterior the look and the motions.

According to Cambridge Dictionaries online (2011), posh is adjective, it’s defined as informal (of places and things) expensive and of high quality and UK informal (of people and their voices) from a high social class, too posh to push informal humorous.

Channel4 (2011) Shop girl to It girl. Available at: http://www.channel4.com/programmes/faking-it/4oD#2922253 (Accessed: 25/ 06/ 2011).

Cambridge Dictionaries online (2011) posh. Available at: http://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/british/posh?q=posh (Accessed: 25/ 06/ 2011).

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